Indie Birth has been rocking the birth world since 2004. We provide innovative options for pregnant and birthing women who want to expand what they know and believe.
Most information for pregnant women is watered down and oversimplified. We know that you are smarter than that.
We offer concrete knowledge, ancient wisdom and current research so you can make choices with full awareness, from the full spectrum of choices.
Similarly, we provide sacred and scientific education for the modern midwife.
Midwifery has become over-medicalized, taking us far from the knowledge, support, power and wisdom that women NEED in order to birth and mother.
We want to foster a community of families and midwives that value an “out of the box”, common sense, well-rounded and intelligent perspective to the pregnancy path.
We have been building our community and movement for over a decade. We have been searching high and low for a solution that can house our groups, our new releases (podcasts, articles, videos) and our course content. We hope you'll join us here and become part of our community!